R/StartValGPCM .R

#' Starting Value Generation for GPCM
#' This function generates starting values for the GPCM.
#' @param start.val an arbitrary vector fitting the format for the dataset
#' @param data The dataset for which to generate starting values
#' @param weight weighting
#' @param ncatg a vector indicating how many categories each item has
#' @param IRT.param TRUE or FALSE 
#' @keywords add one here
#' #@export
#' #@examples
#' StartValGPCM()

StartValGPCM <- function (start.val, data, weight, constraint, ncatg, IRT.param) {
  n <- nrow(data)
  p <- ncol(data)
  computeStartVals <- function (start.val) {
    ind <- if (!is.null(start.val)) {
      if (!is.list(start.val) && start.val == "random")
        return(list(compute = TRUE, random = TRUE))
      if (!is.list(start.val) && length(start.val) != p) {
        warning("'start.val' not of proper type; random starting values are used instead.\n")
      } else if (!all(ncatg == sapply(start.val, length))) {
        warning("number of parameter in 'start.val' differ from the number of levels in 'data'; random starting values are used instead.\n")
      } else
    } else 
    list(compute = ind, random = FALSE)
  comp <- computeStartVals(start.val)
  if (comp$compute) {
    res <- vector("list", p)
    z <- if (comp$random) rnorm(n) else seq(-3, 3, length = n)[order(rowSums(data, na.rm = TRUE))]
    for (i in 1:p) {
      out <- try({
        y <- data[, i]
        na.ind <- !is.na(y)
        y. <- y[na.ind]
        z. <- z[na.ind]
        weight. <- weight[na.ind]
        lev <- length(unique(y.))
        q <- lev - 1
        q1 <- lev %/% 2
        y1 <- (y. > q1)
        fit <- glm.fit(cbind(1, z.), y1, family = binomial()) 
        #glm.fit(cbind(1, z.), y1, weight., family = binomial())
        coefs <- fit$coefficients
        names(coefs) <- NULL
        spacing <- qlogis((1:q) / (q + 1))
        thets <- - coefs[1] + spacing - spacing[q1]
        if (IRT.param) c(thets, coefs[-1]) else c(rev(thets), coefs[-1])
      }, TRUE)
      res[[i]] <- if (!inherits(out, "try-error")) out else {
        lapply(1:p, function (i) {
          ss <- seq(-0.1, 0.1, len = ncatg[i] - 1)
          if (IRT.param) c(ss, 1) else c(rev(ss), 1)
    if (constraint == "1PL") {
      res[seq(1, p - 1)] <- lapply(res[seq(1, p - 1)], function (x) x[-length(x)])
    if (constraint == "rasch")
      res <- lapply(res, function (x) x[-length(x)])
  } else {
    if (constraint == "gpcm") {
    } else if (constraint == "1PL") {
      start.val[seq(1, p - 1)] <- lapply(start.val[seq(1, p - 1)], function (x) x[-length(x)])
    } else {
      start.val <- lapply(start.val, function (x) x[-length(x)])
qpcg/MEM documentation built on May 26, 2019, 12:34 p.m.